Yehuda Vilensky: Medicine of the Future
that Came from the Past

The Mirror Method

I use this method while working  with a patient. In the complex psycho-physical entity that each human being is there is a Centre of Life that is called a Point of Life.This point is absolutely alive. It is surrounded by layers of various kinds of energies that cover it. This layers are klipot, that is husks or shells – our thoughts, whether clever or stupid, our emothions, whether balanced or not, our views on life, whether true or false, the whole body of our difficult and sometimes cruel life experiences. The Point of Life is like a lamp projecting light and the klipot  are different shells or lamp-shades covering it. Some of them more, some less opague.

The Point of Life radiates certain signals or impulses into the world. The surrounding space recieves these signals and reflects them, returns them just like a mirror does, showing the person his or her own face. The world looks at us face to face, as our reflection in the water does. Thus we receive feedback on our existence. Without this process life is not possible, in a sense this process is life itself. 
And if we could always discern with our inner sight this mirrored image we would instantly – unconsciously, automatically set each our wrong (illness, need or fear) right. The problem is that it’s hard to see through the lens of theklipot.

The purer the life impulse is, the fewer shells cover it – the further it can get into space, into the world and so be better reflected by it. Kabbalah says that the impulse’s only goal is to go as far as possible to be reflected by the Source of Life, the Creator Himself.

Kabbalah teaches us that life consists of two processes – to give and to take. Both these processes are naturally inherent for our inner Point of Life. When an impulse is issued by the Point – the function of giving is realized, when it returns to the Point after being reflected – the function of taking. Thus the flow of life is exercised in us. 
An illness occurs when the Point of Life is covered by the klipot (husk) by which the life impulse is extinguished. The Point of Life is thus fixated on itself. In this state it can take only with difficulty and is almost unable to give, because its impulse cannot pass through the husk. This brings an inedequate perception of the world around us and illness as a result. Any being that only takes is doomed. This is true for both spiritual and physical levels.

My object is to discern this unique centre in a person through the thick husk covering it, to feel and to strengthen the outgoing signal and then provide an adequate mirror for it. This gives our Centre of Life an opportunity to see its real relations with the world and set them right, to adapt itself anew to the world and one’s own mission.

The process of correction is realized at three levels:
• Teshuva (a return to the right state) – the level of understanding
• Tefila (prayer) the level of emotions and speech
• Tzedakah (donation and righteous deeds, directed towards giving) – the level of action

I create conditions under which the Life Centre is able to give again. You can reinforce my work by your prayer, by recognizing of the flow of life passing through you, by striving to give and practical actions – helping other people and tzedakah.

Yehuda Vilensky © 2011
All rights reserved, any reproduction and distribution of information is possible only with the permission of the author.